Houston Llew - Miracle Spiritile - 153No. 153
"When you need a miracle, just look at your child and realize you created one."Unknown
The Story Behind This Tile
A statement by Houston's mom: "As Houston’s mom, I have to admit that nothing … and I mean nothing… prepared me for what I experienced the moment I gazed at that rosy, squishy, blanket-wrapped bundle and realized that I had given life to an intensely beautiful and creative soul. How did I know it? Let’s call it maternal instinct. Though obvious to me from the start, I had no inkling that my lil bundle would take it so far. The miracle of giving life is one that transcends any other peak experience. It was a primal force that brought utter joy when he snuggled down in my 3 AM arms, that brought a grin when a stray building block impaled itself under my bare foot, that made his gift of a randomly selected pebble worth more to me than all the jewels at Tiffany’s. Along with this miracle of life itself came the miracle of giving myself over totally and completely to his lifelong endeavor. Moms never give up! I have walked beside Houston through the peaks and valleys of his artistic journey. Yes, admittedly, I was a few steps behind at times and just trying to keep up, but what a wondrous path it is. Early on, I watched him try and and try and try and then yes! he came upon the magic of Spiritiles. Since that first very miraculous moment, he has touched more lives and spread more light and levity than I ever thought possible. And now, as we all need one big miracle to bring us back together again - with warm embraces, the touch and togetherness we so long for - I realize that Miracle holds that very special spirit. It is the one of a mother who looks at her child and instinctively sees the bright, bold future. It is the one that never ever gives up!"
Release Date: April 28, 2014
Collection: Summer 2014
Made by hand with USA-sourced copper, glass enamel, and a custom wood box frame.
5¼" x 8½" x 1¾" - akin to the size of a novel.
Care & Use:
CARE: Enamel artwork is best polished with household glass cleaner and a soft cloth.
DISPLAYING: These delicate yet durable artworks are made to last, resist fading, shine under light, and fire up a meaningful conversation. Spiritiles can stand up on a flat surface or hang on a prized wall. They can stand alone, but love company. Each piece is sized the same to mix and match for a collection that tells your story.
HOW TO HANG: Drywall screws work great! When affixing the screw, leave a ¼" lip to rest the frame's hollow on the screw head. The art will sit securely and flush with the wall. When hanging multiple pieces, the ideal spacing between screws is 7¼" horizontal and 10½" vertical.
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SKU: 153
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